When a marriage is ending, it is much more than a separation of two people. It can be a separation of families and friends, finances, possessions, property, lifestyle, dreams for the future and more. We are here to help you move on with your life.
Family Law
At Diamond Legal, we know that family is more important than anything for our clients. That’s why our experienced family law team works with clients in a range of services to ensure that your families are kept safe and taken care of, regardless of the circumstances.
Estate Planning
When you face changes in life, it’s a good idea to create or update your estate plan – your will, trust, powers of attorney, and any other documents you may need or have. Our estate planning division can work hand in hand with your family law attorney so that nothing
can slip through the cracks.
Real Estate
As you’re facing changes in your life, the last thing you want to worry about are the details and headaches that can accompany real estate transactions. Let us handle the paperwork while you reclaim your life.