Author: Adam Diamond

How to Protect Your Children’s Inheritance if You Remarry in Illinois

How to Protect Your Children’s Inheritance if You Remarry in Illinois

If you have children from your first marriage and you are open to or actively planning to remarry, it’s important to know how to protect your children’s inheritance in the event of your death. Failing to take proper steps to protect their inheritance can prevent those assets from being diverted from your children to your spouse.

3 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Artistic Legacy in Illinois

3 Steps You Can Take to Protect Your Artistic Legacy in Illinois

Anybody who owns property should make it a point to plan out what will happen to their estate after their passing.

However, real estate and physical property aren’t the only matters you should consider when planning your estate – intellectual property, such as art, is just as important.

As an artist, your art can be some of the most vital things in your life. You have put time and effort into these creations and may want to protect your artistic legacy. If you have a family, you may want to ensure that your art remains with them. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to protect your artistic legacy after you have passed on.

Legal Requirements and Formalities for Creating a Medical Power of Attorney: A Comprehensive Guide

Legal Requirements and Formalities for Creating a Medical Power of Attorney: A Comprehensive Guide

Power of attorney (POA) is something that many people have questions about; in fact, it’s one of the most widely searched terms in estate planning. There are several different types of powers of attorney, and each is designed for a different purpose – but the one that most people need is the medical power of attorney.

Right of Occupancy: A Trust to Protect Your Home and Your Loved Ones

Right of Occupancy: A Trust to Protect Your Home and Your Loved Ones

Your family home is one of the most vital things to consider when planning out your estate. When it comes to people who have children, your family home is particularly vital, as it is where the children will have spent a significant portion of their lives.

However, the matter of your family house may not be as simple as it seems.

Multiple factors may come into play; in some cases, you may have to consider your spouse as well as your children.

Luckily, this scenario is where the right of occupancy comes into play.

What Happens to Your Illinois Property After Your Death?

What Happens to Your Illinois Property After Your Death?

When planning your estate for the future, your real estate is one of the most vital aspects to consider. Frequently, this involves deciding who will get your home and other property after your death.

However, the process of transferring ownership of a property after death may not be as simple as you would expect. In Illinois, there are several methods and catches to consider.

Dispelling Misconceptions about Medical Power of Attorney and End-of-Life Decisions

Dispelling Misconceptions about Medical Power of Attorney and End-of-Life Decisions

A medical power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows individuals to appoint someone to make medical treatment decisions on their behalf when they are unable to do so. Requirements for POAs vary from state to state, and there are many misconceptions about what a power of attorney can do for you.

4 Ways to Protect Your Kids if You Pass Away in Illinois

4 Ways to Protect Your Kids if You Pass Away in Illinois

As a parent, one of the most important things you can do for your children is to protect them. This means protecting them from short-term dangers, as well as making sure they’re taken care of in the future that may be after your passing.

In Illinois, there are several ways that wise parents can begin to ensure that their kids are taken care of in the event of their passing. In this blog, our team at Diamond Legal digs into four important ways that you can protect your kids if you pass away in Illinois.